Do you ever get a headache and can’t seem to shake it? You’re not alone. Headaches are one of the most common reasons people seek chiropractic help. While there are many different types of headaches, they can all be classified into a few general categories: tension headaches, cluster headaches, cervicogenic headaches and migraine headaches.
Now let’s take a look at the different causes and types of headaches.
Some Primary headaches can be triggered by lifestyle factors, including:
- Alcohol, particularly red wine
- Certain foods, such as processed meats that contain nitrates
- Changes in sleep or lack of sleep
- Poor posture
- Skipped meals
- Stress
Tension Headaches
If you’ve ever had a tension headache, you know that it can be downright miserable. The pain from this type of headache is typically diffuse and dull. The cause, as you might expect with any type of chronic illness or disorder can often be traced back to stress–the most common trigger for these types of headaches according to some studies!
To remedy, apply cold or hot packs and improve your posture for relief. In many cases chiropractic care may help by providing alternative treatment options that won’t harm delicate nerves in the process of healing. Chiropractic care can also prevent future episodes from occurring again; either temporarily or permanently depending on the treatment.
Migraine Headaches
Migraine sufferers often experience a variety of symptoms that can be both frightening and disruptive to day-to week living. From vomiting, sensitivity to light or sound; these distressing headaches are triggered by environmental factors such as stress which leads one out into darkness until it’s finally relieved through methods often including medication or chiropractic treatment. Although migraines may be triggered from environmental factors that are not spine-related, many individuals find that Chiropractic treatment will reduce the intensity and/or frequency of migraine pain while providing relief from other related complications including nausea/vomiting (which may occur alongside), disturb vision etc.If you would like to explore natural treatment options for migraine headaches, contact Dr. Mark at Free Motion Chiropractic & Wellness to discuss a chiropractic care plan suited for you.
Cervicogenic Headaches
The pain from a cervicogenic headache usually feels as though it stems from the neck and head area. It is important to note that touching or massaging the musculature in the back of the neck and head will sometimes aggravate (or temporarily relieve) symptoms. For those suffering with this type of discomfort, Chiropractic treatment focusing on reducing muscular tension and improving limited spinal mobility may be effective for headache relief! Research shows that Chiropractic care, including spinal manipulative therapy can be an effective treatment for cervicogenic and tension-type headaches.
Why Choose Free Motion Chiropractic for treating your headache.
Chiropractic care is a non-invasive, drug-free option that can help relieve; tension, cervicogenic and migraine headache. If you’re experiencing regular or chronic headache pain, talk to Dr. Mark about how he can help. Dr. Mark can help isolate headache triggers as well as give advice about prevention. Before the first Chiropractic session, one major thing you can do beforehand would be to track the factors that seem to aggravate your headache so you know more specifically which triggers might need immediate management upon detection! Chiropractic treatment is effective in treating headaches of all types, including those that are caused by structural issues such as a misaligned spine.
When you visit Dr. Mark for headache treatment, he will provide a full assessment and then provide treatment to help treat the root cause of your migraines!